Monday, May 14, 2007

Look what Auntie Phyllis and Auntie May got for me and Noelle, Auntie May visited the popular bookstore at United Square and got us each a cute-looking pencil. They really looked so lovely. Auntie Phyllis also got us the colourful "Huge Henry" ladybird book from Vivo City. The book were on sale at $1 each. That's really a steal!

In gratitute, Daddy taught us how to make thank you cards for Auntie Phyllis and Auntie May. We enjoyed the card-making session. It was fun to do all the pasting. To help me write better, Daddy uses the pencil to draw small squares as a guide for me to write the letters. How does it look? Noelle also did a great job with the pasting and look in the last photo how Auntie intepreted Noelle's pasting. Last night, Daddy brought me and Noelle to the airport to fetch mummy who's coming back from Bangkok. Mummy said she will be buying toys and dresses for me and Noelle. At the airport, I was trilled to see mummy coming out from the immgration glass door. I kept shouting "Mummy" "Mummy" I love you Mummy!!! I miss you so much!!!

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