Thursday, April 01, 2010


Daddy just got home from the hospital after Nikki's "Adenoidectomy" surgery. Both he and mummy understand not a single medical term that Doctor Chan mentioned. If anyone's interested to find out, check out this website link:

All they know was Nikki's middle ears are swollen and one side even have some pus in it. That explains why Nikki have been turning a deaf ear on Daddy's lectures! She also not lending a ear for mummy's screamings!

Once again, Daddy is full of praise to the Lord for blessing us with such a passionate and caring pediatrician Uncle Terence Tan. He was the God sent "Guardian Angel" whom Daddy met at the A&E in the wee hours of 3am when he and mummy sent Nikki to the hospital emergency 5 years ago.

Nikki have been coughing for the past few weeks. All the GP's medication including Yehyeh's medicine failed to work on her this time. Out of desperation, Dad brought her to Uncle Terence's clinic on Monday. As always Uncle Terence asked Daddy to give him an update on her progress few days later which he did yesterday. On hearing the Nikki's fever is still recurring every morning, Uncle Terence requested Daddy to bring her back to the clinic for review the very afternoon. But Daddy couldn't afford the time as he was out on assignment.

Finally, when mummy brought Nikki back to the clinic this morning, Uncle Terence advised and referred her to the ENT specialist, Dr Chan whom confirmed that she's having Otitis Media, infection of the middle ear on both sides. He suggested to admit Nikki for a day surgery to drain out the water retention and do a "wash out" of the pus before the swelling rupture itself and may hurt her ear drum.

Nonetheless, just before the surgical procedure, Dr Chan came out of the Operating Theatre to seek Daddy's and Mummy's consent to remove the Adenoid for the entire passage from her ears to the nose are more badly infected than initially expected when examined at the clinic.

Despite all the dramatic turns of situation, Daddy still have the Almighty Lord to thank for taking control of the situation and praise Him for His guidance, providence and protection. Hallelujah!
So much about Nikki, we didnt forget Noinoi also. She's sleeping over at her cousin, Ray's house tonight. Last week, in her baby's accent and laughters, she told Daddy and Mummy that one day, after drinking so much in school, she burped so loud that all her friends laughed at her! She's certainly enjoying all their attention for that!

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