Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cough bugs go away!

Nicole has been coughing since last week and it has not gotten any better yet. She has been missing classes and lots of activities such as the Nursing Home's fund raising carnival and her long awaited Disney Princess classic show last weekend. Nevertheless, she did not throw tantrum instead she even greeted Daddy and Noelle good bye and enjoy the show that evening. That really warmed Daddy's and Mummy's hearts and even God was so pleased that He made the largest rainbow that day, even Daddy has never ever seen before!

According to Mummy, she even said this to mummy later that evening, "I wonder if Mei Mei, Daddy and Gugu enjoy the Princess show?" To reward her graciousness and compensate her losses, Daddy took some videos for her. Gugu and Daddy also bought some collectibles for her

Despite that Nic was not well, she still makes an effort to practice her piano. Here's her latest practice and the little monkey, Noi Noi's!

Friday, November 21, 2008

No eye check-up today! Nic was scheduled to have her eye check-up today after the failed eye assessments at the Polyclinic couple of months back. Unfortunately, she was coughing and down with fever at 38 degrees today. The medication from the GP doesn't seem to work for her. Since we were at the KK hospital, Daddy and Mummy decided to let Nic see the doctor again.

The nurse at KK Eye Centre recommended KK's Private Clinic which was not too far away from the Eye Centre. Nevertheless, the clinic only have one doctor and waiting time could be as long as 2 hours according to the registration staff at the clinic. She suggested that we go to the hospital's Children Emergency department whereby the charges will be the same (i.e. $80 for consultation except at the Emergency, medication will be included unless non-standard prescription is required). Most importantly, they have more doctors there.

At the Children Emergency, Nic temperature shot up to 39 degrees and the registration staff gave her paracetamol immediately. End of the day, we still waited about 90 mins before we get to see the doctor.

Exactly like those scenes in E.R., the short stopover was not at all pleasant. The whole place was filled with heartwenching baby cries and children screaming and weaning. Faces of worried parents running in and out and some with their helpless helper and grandparents running behind. The only calm eyes we could see were those above the masks of the medical professionals. Their hearts must have been numbed by their daily encounters.

Anyway, getting back to where we first started. Nic's eye check has been postponed till December 2008. Hopefully it will not hinder our Christmas plans and she does not have to put on eye patch when she goes back to school next year.

P.S.> Nic was punished this morning for throwing tantrums when she discovered Dad brought Noi out in the morning before she woke up. Because of her bad attitude today, mum also got lectured by daddy for sparing the rod.

Here's daddy's quote for the day: "Parenting is like tying with rubber bands, shouldn't be too tight that it'll break nor should it be too loose that defeat it's purpose."

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mummy was at the Popular book fest not once but twice last week. She even took half day leave just to go shopping at the book fest. Check out her harvest...

Total damage? Unpredictable!

Another unpredictable? We were at the "Hungry Caterpillar" with Adam last weekend. The noise level in our car was really unpredictable especially Noi noi and Adam, they kept arguing throughout the whole journey. Nevertheless, Daddy said that we are still very adorable!

Announcing the confirmation of our Christmas party!

It's going to be a potluck party at our favourite new playground at our place. Here are some of the suggested dishes to bring:

1) Turkey
2) Fried Pasta/Bee Hoon
3) Log Cake
4) Sandwiches
5) Jelly
6) Cocktail sausages & Quail eggs
7) Salad
8) Fruit platter
9) Sparkling juice
10) Fish/Chicken Nuggets

Any other suggestions? For confirmation of dishes, please contact our party planner, my Daddy, Mummy or Mei Mei Angila Gugu.

Love Nic & Noi

Monday, November 10, 2008

Our Christmas tree was set up at home yesterday, almost two months before the actual day. Our annual Christmas Potluck party is confirmed on 25th Dec 08 at our house (likely to be at our void deck beside the new playground). All children will be the guests for the party. Our jobs are to eat, drink, laugh, play, play and play!
Sorry adults, it will be your duties to provide transport, food, drink and finally, your time and commitments!
Through the grapevines, we also learnt that there maybe another year end party on the 27th Dec 08 at mummy's uncle new house. Zhen Yi, will you be back then yet? Wonder who are the organisers and what will be the theme this year?
Life goes no right! Be positive! Here's some videos we took during our last outing and our special dance item taken last night to cheer you guys up a little. :P